16 years enhancing digital presence for 12 major brands

Grupo Más Móvil


GrupoMásMóvil entrusts us with the digital communication of 12 brands, including Yoigo, MásMóvil, or Virgin, to build their digital presence in a category as price-sensitive and aggressive as telecoms.

The biggest challenge: reaching new audiences for each of the brands through performance capable of building brand awareness throughout the entire funnel.

Zero Friction method.

To meet the needs of a client like GMM, the key lies in the processes. Thus, Zero Friction was born, our philosophy based on adaptability, empathy, and mutual respect that eliminates the traditional frictions of daily work, reflecting in a more productive and sustainable relationship capable of responding to needs in real-time without compromising creativity.


Custom & Flex.

  • We adapt to them with methodologies, processes, and tools created ad hoc, facilitating work processes and improving mutual trust.



  • We transfer our frictionless philosophy to the user through performance that brands at every user moment, with more respectful, organic, and relevant creativity.


Scale Production.

  • This trust relationship allows for more than 20,000 pieces to be produced annually with a high standard of quality where creativity and results go hand in hand.

16 years of relationship.

Going from managing the digital presence of 1 to 12 brands within the group.

600% CTR display improvement.

Improved results in 2023 vs 2022 with the integration of brandformance in our methodology.

+20,000 pieces produced per year.

With a 90% first-time approval rate.

3.2 CTR in Social Ads.

2 points above the category.