
PS21 develops the new digital campaign for Movistar Plus+ platform

PS21 has developed the new digital campaign for the Movistar Plus+ platform. Tienes mucho que ver con Movistar Plus+ is the concept that permeates the entire digital strategy and aims to communicate the universal access to the platform’s content for any user, whether or not they are Movistar customers.

The strategic challenge consisted in transmitting the new transactional offer of Movistar Plus+, available since August for all users regardless of whether or not they belong to the Movistar operator, for 14 euros per month. For this, PS21’s creative team developed a simple and elegant digital line focused on brand positioning, accessibility, quality, price and variety of the platform’s content.


The pieces, on air since August, have had different adaptations in digital -brandays, banner campaign and pre-roll videos- with the aim of generating notoriety, highlighting the platform and being considered by the general public. The concept Tienes mucho que ver con movistar Plus+ has also been adapted to the ATL campaign that has been on air during September and October.


‘The direct assignment of a project for Movistar Plus+ has two readings: firstly, pride that PS21’s creative trajectory has caught the company’s attention and, on the other hand, the responsibility and, of course, commitment, which involves launching a new project for such an iconic brand’, according to Beatriz Arce, CEO of Jungle







Casa Jungle: strategic creativity from within

Casa Jungle is a department led by the creative duo formed by Xosé Rodríguez and Gema Díaz. The objective is to apply creativity to every point of contact of the consultancy's corporate: from company integration to financial results.

Mar, 10 . 2025